A Spectacular Dragging of the Feet

It’s like when you don’t really want to do something, but you know you’re going to have to face it sooner rather than later and you just kind of drag your feet about it. There definitely isn’t any urgency, or any motivation. This sounds like a recipe for success of a small business doesn’t it?

So take me last night at about 2am. It had been hours of very gentle, but still quite beautiful auroral displays. Nearly the entire time, a tease of something more vibrant felt almost imminent. So where do you draw the line, and give in on driving back to Yellowknife? Probably pretty quickly after your guests start to say they feel satisfied and are ready for bed. But we hadn’t reached our peak yet tonight, probably maybe I think. So I definitely didn’t hurry getting packed up and prepped to begin the drive back, and no sooner had I opened my driver door to climb inside, it started. The next twenty minutes were worth everything.


August Rainshowers


Luck, Nerves, and Ten Kilometres