
Weather forecasts were bringing some more centimetres of snow beginning late in the evening and overnight. Earlier in the afternoon, auroral conditions spiked to give Iceland and Greenland potentially spectacular nights. I held the hope those conditions would persist into our mid evening here, and if we could leave town some time earlier than usual, it may all just come together for a good early show before driving home through a winter wonderland of beautifully puffy snowflakes.

Of course it didn’t exactly go as such. Sure, some overcast clouds eventually rolled over Yellowknife, but the countryside stayed virtually perfect all night. It was far from this romantic image of driving through a winter wonderland. The aurora, also, had other plans. Conditions from the early afternoon flipped mid evening and the aurora stood us up. For a few hours. In the cold. And dark. But with enough patience, we got exactly what we wanted - the aurora dancing all across the sky. It was as perfect a night for photography as it was for viewing. We just needed all the patience in the world, as ever this week.


The Odd Night Out


Full On Winter Love