The blog

Sean Norman Sean Norman

"Be Patient, My Penguins"

So I might’ve jumped the gun a little bit getting everyone out of the warm car tonight. In fact, I might have jumped the gun so much ‘a little bit’ early that by the time we all really did need to be outside, some had just wandered back inside. But it really didn’t take long to understand the urgency of the hurry up and wait life tonight.

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Sean Norman Sean Norman

The Climate Situation, the Driveway Situation, and Yet Another Case Against DST

It almost rained today. It’s the middle of March and it almost rained in Yellowknife. There is something really, really wrong with our climate. And this next week isn’t going to be any different with daytime highs well above zero. Frightening. Really.

During another gorgeous night in the countryside to late clearing skies, we hung on as late as we could out there but eventually had to begin our way back to Yellowknife. Then at 3:30am beginning to drop off my guests, I scrambled everybody out of the car in the hurriest hurry you’ve ever hurried at one of the Airbnbs. The aurora. It was spectacular. Pinks and purples and greens just racing across half the sky. There was a feeling this was coming, but how late can you reasonably stay in the countryside. And this is the case against daylight saving time in a place where such a large part of the economy depends on night tourism - night tourism where our product doesn’t adjust to fake time. Where tonight, we still could have been in the countryside at 2:30am instead of at the edge of a driveway at 3:30am.
Is naturally having some of the longest day lengths in the world during the summer not already enough? Does that summer sunset really need to be 11:40pm instead of 10:40pm? The answer is no, it doesn’t.

We are all Arizona.

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Sean Norman Sean Norman

Just Try And Describe It

I’ll wait.

These nights are nothing short of absolute perfection. It’s beyond your wildest imagination and the most articulate communicators (even me, as much as I hate to admit it). I’m kidding of course.

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Sean Norman Sean Norman

The -20s Are Back. For a Night.

Ohh, doesn’t this just make you all warm and fuzzy - that we nearly reached the average historical low, for the first time this month last night. But this was some night under the aurora, for hours. There wasn’t a cloud anywhere in sight, and we didn’t even have to wait until 1:30am.

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Sean Norman Sean Norman

Clear Skies and Patience

Against earlier feelings in the evening, we didn’t need to venture far from town tonight. But we did require patience, a lot of patience, much to your surprise, I know. I can feel it from here.

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